Sep 14Liked by Anna Rose

I'm really interested in the connection that's often made between leaving London/big cities and recovering from burnout. I don't know how much 10 years in London contributed to my own burnout, which eventually happened in a nice leafy part of Oxford with lakes and countryside nearby, but I've felt rejuvenated since coming back to London. Perhaps, for me, a key part of life is seeing lots of friends and acquaintances, a sense of new possibilities and things to learn, and lots of culture for artist's dates. I often suspect it's actually much more complicated and personal than whether you live in Manhattan or on Dartmoor.

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Completely agree with you. I think it’s a very personal journey and not as simple as I’m in this city and it makes me feel this way. I would 100% move back to London if my new career plans work out, it’s just not viable after quitting my job and starting over. For me at this stage, I do need less people around me as my nervous system feels a bit frayed. I’m so pleased that you’ve found a rejuvenation, it sounds like an exciting time for you. And it sounds like you have some wonderful friends who fill you with energy. I hope more people see this and share their opinion too because I think it’s such an interesting discussion xx

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It’s so inspiring to hear you talk about surrendering your plans to the Universe each morning. Everything always flows so much better when I surrender, and making it a consistent practice sounds like a beautiful thing!

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I completely agree. Every time I try to push forward and force something through it never seems to quite work, when I surrender there’s almost a feeling of grace and life flows. It definitely feels like the way to go. I’m so glad this resonated with you ❤️

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Love this post! Perfect introduction! There's an art to these hero posts and it feels like you nailed it 🥰 💜

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Thank you so much Cassie, I did a bit of research before committing, I’m glad you liked it!xx

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Bravo! 👏 👏 What a fantastic bloody post, Anna. I’m really, REALLY excited for this new phase for you. You couldn’t have conjured up a better title, either!

I love your wordcraft - so I’m looking forward to following your journey

(Thank you for the little mention, too!)

M x

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I’m so pleased and lucky to have your support. I feel like we’re each others cheerleaders!xx

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Likewise 😊 I’ll be here with my pom-poms whenever you need it. And probably when you don’t, too!

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Even better!

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What a wonderful introduction to you and your Substack, Anna Rose. I love how you describe the intersection of biology and psychology - I look forward to discovering more about your work on this. So many of our interests overlap: nature, spirituality, dance - and of course the grief we both live alongside. Sending love and applauding your curiosity, creativity, and courage. Bravo!

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Thank you so much Jacky that means a lot to me xx

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Oh, Anna Rose, I love all of this! I love learning more about you and I absolutely love what you have to offer and share in this space. It feels like such a safe and inspiring place to gather. As for what I want more of - all of it! I literally could not vote because I would love to see intermittant posts on all of those categories and topics.

Here's to claiming the joy that is in life, mixed in and among the grief. And to surrendering to the magical, spiritual unfolding of it all! xx

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Thank you so much for your support Liz. I’m very excited about this space. Here is to joy, magic and a life of surrender 🎉🥂 xox

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Looking forward to more, as ever

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