Nothing like having your own herb garden, thankfully, although our mint does go through its winter stage, I still manage to gather enough leaves for mint sauce or a salad. The only herbs I lose for awhile are Tarragon and Chives. Hope your dad is feeling ok today. 🤗

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Thank you Sally ☺️ we haven’t tried tarragon or chives. They are on the list! Dad is feeling good today, managed to water to the garden before I got there. The summer evening was very peaceful here so it was lovely for us.

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If you do get the Tarragon you must get the French not the Russian due to it being the better flavour. And the chives, well you should be able to grow that now also. Do you have a nursery where you can buy herbs in pots rather than growing by seed?

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Yes I do! I will have a look for that, thank you that is such a great tip. I’ll let you know what I find! :)

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