There is definitely something wonderful about beech trees. I think they have a magical, healing property known only to the select few who listen. I hope you feel better soon.

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What an exciting forest project! I wish you well and look forward to reading more about it.

I loved this line:

“The rain started to fall, the leaves piano keys in nature’s song.”

Wishing you speedy healing from your cold and sending healing wishes to your family.

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Thank you so much Jackie. I’m glad you loved that line, as I watched the leaves it reminded me of playing piano as a child, such rich imagery in nature. Second to none. And thank you for you your well wishes too!

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I agree Gillian. I worked with a wonderful apothecary in Somerset who spends time with each plant to understand its properties. It was magical working with her on the Yew Tree.

I know that Druids would use the beech wood for runes, believing it to have manifestation properties, any words inscribed were said to take on the power and magic of the gods. It really is such a wonderful tree.

Thank you for your well wishes too.

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I just love reading your words and feeling parts of your soul arise from what you write and how you write it. Rainy summers, magical feather messages, forests and the sea. I am in deep alignment and agreement with so much of what you have shared here. Thank you for your phrases, your wording, your reflections. I’m grateful to be able to connect with you here, Anna. xo

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